Witnesses describe Boko Haram attacks


May 8, 2014
Ernesto McConnell

On Wednesday, witnesses came forward and described gruesome attacks on the Nigerian village of Gamboru Ngala, an area that was being used as a base for troops searching for some nearly 300 missing girls abducted by terrorist group, Boko Haram. The attack began at approximately 1:30 p.m, local time, and lasted nearly 12 hours, resulting in over 150 deaths. Members of Boko Haram arrived at an outdoor market in three armored vehicles, and began to open fire on market-goers with weapons including rocket-propelled grenades and improvised explosive devices. Members of the terror group continued the attack, setting fire to nearby buildings where market-goers had fled to seek shelter, eventually burning many of those inside alive. The local police station was taken by force; after facing strong resistance by police, Boko Haram terrorists blew the roof from the building—inside of the station, fourteen police officers were found dead.


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