Tracy Martin speaks at Congressional Caucus


At a Congressional hearing on Tuesday, many calls were made to abolish “stand your ground” laws featuring remarks made by the father of Trayvon Martin. Tracy Martin gave opening comments at the first and newly formed Congressional Caucus on Black Men and Boys.

Martin said he is glad his son’s death is causing people to talk and ask questions, “What can we do as parents, what can we do as men, what can we do as fathers, what can we do as mentors to stop this from happening to your child?” asked Martin.

The caucus was formed in March, and Wednesday’s hearing was scheduled before George Zimmerman’s verdict became final.

Speakers at the hearing were asked to discuss issued faced by African American boys, teenagers, and men.

Tracy Martin also noted that 50 years from now, he wants his son’s name to live on as the name of a law that will prevent deaths similar to that of his son’s.


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