Jesse Jackson Jr to sell home in Washington


Jessie Jackson Jr, an Illinois congressman who has been on sick leave for over three months, recently put up his home for auction in the Washington area. His media aide told reporters that it was to help offset the medical bills Jackson is piling up. He is being treated for bipolar and gastronomical issues, and was recently admitted into a Mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota. It’s unclear when he will return to work. “Like millions of Americans, Congressman Jackson and Mrs. Jackson are grappling with soaring health care costs and are selling their residence to help defray costs of their obligations,” the spokesman said.

A day after he had been released from the Mayo clinic, Jackson put his house up for sale. They also have a home in Chicago, and it is unclear if they will get another home in the area, as their children both attend school in Washington. He has been on leave since June 10th, and very little has been known about his whereabouts or why he had to take the leave of absence. The leave of absence looked suspicious as the House Ethics Committee was investigating Jackson over former Gov. Ron Blagojevich. Jackson first won office in 1955 and is expected to win his reelection.


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