D.C. improved special education services, hopes to dismiss court oversight


September 25, 2014
Mariah Timms
News Writer
Wash DC News

The District of Columbia is hoping to have an 18-year-old special education lawsuit dismissed, and therefore end the court oversight on the process. Attorney General Irvin B. Nathan filed the motion Friday to a U.S. District Court judge, citing significant improvements and success in meeting the terms of the Blackman-Jones litigation. D.C. says that under the terms of the suit, they have since made the necessary changes to their practices. The suit dealt with poor habits in 1997 in regards to scheduling hearings with parents who requested services for their children, as well as actual implementation of the services. Since that time, at least 90% of such hearings are held and determined in a timely manner, and no cases are more than 90 days overdue for implementation, says D.C. Also, they have created a more efficient database for these services, in the hope of further improvement.


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