George Zimmerman’s attorney told CNN’s “AC 360” on Thursday night that a website created to raise money for his legal defense has raised $204,000. Attorney Mark O’Mara said he learned about the donations on Wednesday as they were trying to shut down Zimmerman’s Internet presence to avoid concerns about possible impersonators and problems with his Twitter and Facebook accounts.
“He asked me what to do with his PayPal accounts, and I asked him what he was talking about. He said those were the accounts that had the money from the website he had. And there was about … $204,000 that had come in to date,” O’Mara told Anderson Cooper. O’Mara says the bail amount, $150,000, might have been higher if the judge knew how much money Zimmerman had raised. “I’m certainly going to disclose it to the court tomorrow — coincidentally, we have a hearing,” O’Mara said. Zimmerman, 28, is charged with murder in the second-degree for the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. O’Mara will attend a court hearing on Friday.