Mixed emotions about Seth MacFarlane hosting the Oscars


The 2013 Oscars had the most viewers since their show in 2005 The network claims that host Seth MacFarlane had something to do with that. As the creator of shows such as “Family Guy” and “American Dad”, viewers tuned into the Oscars having preconceived notions about MacFarlane’s roles in his shows and the humor that would be part of the Oscars. The 2013 showing brought in higher views from younger men and adults under the age of 35, suggesting that viewers anticipated MacFarlane would create an Oscar show based on his previous productions.

However, not all Oscar lovers were sold on MacFarlane’s performance and they expressed a desire for him not to host another show in upcoming years. MacFarlane acquiesced saying that although he did enjoy his hosting time, he would not be returning to the Oscars in that role.


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