Harry Potter author discusses difficulty coping with success


J.K Rowling, author of the world renowned “Harry Potter” book-turned-franchise series, had a big adjustment to make when she went from supporting herself and her daughter with government benefits to being one of the wealthiest and most famous authors in the world. A casual observer may wonder what could possible be so bad about being rich and famous, but Rowling can certainly testify to the fact that it has it’s downsides. She has been elevated to celebrity status in England and has resorted to wearing disguises while in public to avoid the clamor or adoring fans. With her sudden tsunami of wealth came an equally massive tsunami of requests for money. “You don’t expect the pressure of it, in the sense of being bombarded by requests,” she said in an interview. “I felt I had to solve everyone’s problems. I was hit by this tsunami of demands. I felt overwhelmed.” She turned to therapy, the same coping tool she utilized before her magical success when she was struggling so much financially, “I’m a big fan of it, it helped me a lot.” Her cosmic success continues as her new book, “The Casual Vacancy,” is expected to be an instant best seller. The writer has her apprehension about the release of her first writing venture since the Harry Potter series but says she “will live” if the reception is not as positive as the build-up to its release.


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