Pope Francis holds a meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister


On Monday, Pope Francis held a meeting at the Vatican with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. While the meeting was closed-door, it reportedly focused on political affairs, and the Israeli government said the topics would include Iran’s nuclear program and the future of Christians in the Middle East. The meeting is a clear example of the Pope’s goal to be more involved in international politics.

Rev. Antonio Mozzicone commented: “I think the pope is already bringing his message of love and morals and transparency to the church, and if he can do that in the Middle East as well, it can only be good.” However, there are many people who disagree with the amount of involvement the Pope is giving to political issues. “He is a good man, a holy man, but I believe the church would be better off if he kept his focus on religious and church issues where he is desperately needed,” Retired Catholic school teacher Lorenza Sensi said.


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