Chinese toddler dies amid controversy, outrage


Two-year-old Wang Yue, who was the victim of two subsequent hit-and-run accidents, and was then ignored by passerby, died shortly after midnight on Friday. “We feel deep pain and shame as everybody does,” the hospital said. A security camera nearby captured the accident, as well as the more than a dozen people who walked, cycled or drove past while ignoring the girl. She was eventually rescued by a 58-year-old scavenger, who then sought help for her.

The event sparked outcry around the world on the state of morality in China. On China’s equivalent of Twitter, the story was the number 1 topic, generating a “Stop Apathy” campaign. The toddler’s mother, while devastated over her daughter’s death, has tried to focus on the positive, thanking the woman who made an effort to rescue her daughter.


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