5 of bin Laden’s relatives receive 45 day sentences for living in Pakistan illegally


On Monday, a Pakistani judge sentenced Osama bin Laden’s three widows and two daughters to 45 days of house detention for living illegally in Pakistan, the widows’ lawyer said. Amir Khalil, the lawyer, reported the judge ordered that after the women served their term, the five of them must be deported back to their countries of citizenship. The term began on March 3, when the five women were formally arrested or taken into custody. They will be released in mid-April.

The widows, who were identified by U.S. and Pakistani officials as Amal Ahmed Abdul Fateh, Khairiah Sabar, and Siham Sabar, have been in custody since the U.S. Navy SEALs raided bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad and killed the al Qaeda leader in May 2011. The daughters are ages 17 and 21, Khalil reported. There was no need for trial due to the confession of illegal entry and stay from the five defendants. The women will serve their sentence in the Islamabad residence where the trial took place. The women were also fined 10,000 ruppees, or roughly $110, Khalil reported, adding that the fines were paid in court.


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