D.C resident suing police for stealing phone


A D.C resident is suing police for taking his camera phone while taking a picture of police misconduct. Earl Staley was taking a picture of a police officer punching a suspect at an accident scene. One officer saw Staley taking the pictures and seized the phone and told him he had broken the law. A few hours later a Lieutenant gave Staley back his phone and apologized. When Staley went home to take a photograph of his daughter on his phone, he noticed the memory card was no longer in the phone.

Police held an internal investigation but the memory card was never discovered. “We’re afraid (the card) has disappeared forever, down some sewer or into some shredder,” says Staley’s lawyer. The incident comes one day after police chief Cathy Lanier told officers not to interfere with citizens when taking pictures of officers in public. The suit says Staley’s first and fourth amendment rights were violated, and wants monetary compensation for the items lost on the memory card.


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