Michelle Obama: I think our president is phenomenal


First Lady Michelle Obama attended an event in Prince William County, Virginia at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall on Thursday to continue the kick off for President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. Where Bill Clinton, Larry Summers, and Cory Booker disappointed, the first lady shined. Mrs. Obama took to the podium as the crowd chanted “four more years.” The first lady emphasized to the crowd of nearly 740, that “basic American values” is what’s at stake in November. “I think our president is phenomenal,” she told the audience of supporters and volunteers in the battleground state.

Mrs. Obama shared personal stories of how her parents sacrificed everything they had to provide the best for her and her brother. She also shared stories of her husband’s past and how his mother struggled, but fought hard to provide for her son. “Your president knows what it means to struggle,” she said gazing seriously at the crowd. “And from now until November, Barack needs all of you to get out there and to tell everyone you know about the values that we share. Tell them about our vision. Tell them about everything that’s at stake in this election.” As the first lady discussed getting Americans back to work, she emphasized the importance of the auto industry. She says when the president got into office, advisers were telling him to let the auto industry flounder, but the president believed in the American worker and did not want to see one million people lose their jobs. “He had the backs of the American workers. He put his faith in the American people,” Mrs. Obama said of the auto bailouts. “The auto industry is back on its feet again, and more importantly, people are back at work, providing for their families again.”

First Lady Obama also spoke on women’s issues. “Protecting women’s health is an issue that has nothing to do with politics,” she said as the crowd exploded in applause. As she concluded, the first lady told the audience that the nation has come too far and can’t turn back now. The country must strive to provide their children and grandchildren with “opportunities worth our promise” and “limitless possibilities.”


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