’30 Rock’ comes to an end


“30 Rock,” a comedy series with a plot centered on the making of a fictional television sketch series, has come to an end after seven seasons. The cast of the show did express some emotion and nostalgia during the series finale. “There’s a reason people don’t say honest goodbyes. It’s because when stuff is coming to an end, people freak out and they act crazy,” said show writer Liz Lemon. The show was a prodigy in many ways. Inspired by Fey’s stint as head writer for “Saturday Night Live,” its trophy case does not reflect its usually low viewer ratings. At its peak in 2008-2009, the show garnered an average of only 7.5 million viewers per week, but the final season managed to rally an average of 4 million viewers per episode. It won Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey the best TV comedy actor and actress at the Screen Actor’s Guild awards. The show has also won multiple Emmys.


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