Mariah Cain, Staff Writer
Missouri GOP candidate for governor Darrell Leon McClanahan III is being removed from the ballot after a picture of him standing next to a Ku Klux Klan member in front of a burning cross and appearing to do a Nazi salute was shared by former Missouri state Republican representative Shamed Dogan. In a previously filed defamation suit, McClanahan described himself as a “Pro-White man, horseman, politician, political prisoner-activists who is dedicated to traditional Christian values.” He further stated that he is not and has never been a member of the Ku Klux Klan but he was provided an “Honorary 1-year membership.”
“The Missouri Republican Party has been made aware that Darrell Leon McClanahan III filed for Governor as a Republican despite his affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan, which fundamentally contradicts our party’s values and platform,” said the party in a post to social media. “We have begun the process of having Mr. McClanahan removed from the ballot as a Republican candidate. We condemn any association with hate groups and are taking immediate action to rectify this situation. Our party upholds respect for all individuals, and we’re dedicated to addressing any challenges to these principles decisively.”