CHECK IN – Daily News, Weather and Sports – February 18, 2016
POLITICS Donald Trump calls Pope Francis “disgraceful”; Pope: Trump “is not Christian” During his visit…
POLITICS Donald Trump calls Pope Francis “disgraceful”; Pope: Trump “is not Christian” During his visit…
POLITICS Trump says Scalia may have been murdered A conspiracy theory claiming that Supreme Court…
POLITICS Republicans plan to block any Obama Supreme Court nomination Senate Republicans have begun to…
WASHINGTON, D.C Antonin Scalia’s body flown back to Virginia In Washington, D.C., an American flag…
POLITICS Clinton and Sanders face-off at Democratic debate On Thursday night, Hillary Clinton and Bernie…
POLITICS Christie and Fiorina drop out of Republican presidential campaign After a disappointing New Hampshire…
POLITICS Sanders and Trump win New Hampshire primaries Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were the…
POLITICS Trump and Sanders leading polls in New Hampshire Around half a million registered voters…
WASHINGTON, D.C. Obama’s $4 Trillion budget same day as NH primary President Barack Obama’s final…
POLITICS Clinton and Sanders debates and attacks intensify Last night’s democratic debate was rather tense…
POLITICS Trump returns to campaign platform after Iowa loss After an extended hiatus from his…
POLITICS Iowa caucuses leave candidates with marginal victories Last night’s GOP and Democratic caucuses were…
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