North Korea receives international condemnation for its nuclear testing


On February 12th, North Korea conducted its third ever underground nuclear test. The action drew swift condemnation, especially from the United States. The White House released a statement calling the test “a highly provocative act that, following its December 12 ballistic missile launch, undermines regional stability, violates North Korea’s obligations under numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions, contravenes its commitments under the September 19, 2005 Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks, and increases the risk of proliferation.”

“The United States remains vigilant in the face of North Korean provocations and steadfast in our defense commitments to allies in the region,” the president said in a statement just hours before his first second-term State of the Union address. The United Nations Security Council also “strongly condemned” North Korea’s nuclear test carried out and committed to respond swiftly to North Korea’s “clear threat to international peace and security.” China is almost out of patience with its North Korean neighbor and is prepared to take action to reprimand it. It is unclear what action will be taken by anybody yet, but it could range from travel bans to financial sanctions.


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