China begins power transfer


Chinese President Hu Jintao has marked the beginning of the transfer of power within the Chinese government with an address to the Communist Party congress. “We must aim higher,” the president said, “work harder and continue to pursue development in a scientific way, promote social harmony, and improve people’s lives. “The meeting of more than 2,000 delegates will last for a week and will culminate in a transfer of power within China that happens only once every ten years. Party spokesman Cai Mingzhao stated the new congress would be “one of great importance, when China is in a crucial stage of building a modern and prosperous society in all respects.” The selection of the new leaders will be done largely by a central committee made up of representatives chosen by the delegates. It is anticipated that party members Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang will become the party leader and deputy. Xi is also expected to take over as China’s president in March of 2013.


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