Washington, DC – Police officer receives award for rescue of injured dog


A local police officer won an award for rescuing an injured dog that ran away from a burning building. “Lucy and I almost got hit a few times,” D.C. police officer Doug Berlin said of weaving through traffic while chasing after the rat terrier. “Lucy is 11. But she’s a fighter. She runs like she’s two.” The dog had run away from an apartment building fire at 11th Street and Rhode Island Avenue Northwest. Berlin said he noticed the dog had burns and bloody paws as she ran past him. A man on a skateboard ultimately helped Berlin catch the dog, which ended up biting the man. When an ambulance arrived to take care of the man’s dog bite, Berlin noticed Lucy was having respiratory problems. “She was bleeding so badly, I didn’t’ want her to bleed out so I was like, ‘You guys we have to go — now,’” Berlin recalled. The ambulance took Lucy and Berlin to the nearby CityPaws Animal Hospital. Lisa LaFontaine, CEO of the Washington Humane Society and Washington Animal Rescue League, presented Berlin with the “Humane Hero Award” at the Third District police station Wednesday.


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