A bus that was supposed to serve as an alternative for commuters during Metro’s track work zone ended up dropping off passengers on the wrong side of the Potomac River on Monday morning. The driver of route DASH AT4 had apparently missed the exit for the Pentagon. “The main problem for me was just the lack of communication, because I feel like several passengers were trying to figure out what was going on,” Rachel Harms, a frequent Metro D.C. rider, said. “And there was definitely like some concern: Like, is this guy taking us somewhere else? Like, what is going on? He seemed lost but … he wasn’t communicating so that just was unnerving.” In an email, DASH Director of Operations Lorenza Myers said the driver had no other way off Interstate 395 from the HOV lanes before crossing the river after missing the Pentagon exits. Only one rider decided to stay on the bus back to the Pentagon – the rest of the passengers got off near the Smithsonian Metro Station.
Washington, DC – Bus gets lost on Metro route