Deanwood listed as dangerous Metro station


In a new Metro report, Deanwood Metrorail station in Northeast Washington, D.C. was listed as the most dangerous stop on the transit system in 2011. Deanwood made the list at the top with 67 cases of serious crime, which include, robbery, rape, auto theft, and assault. In second was the Anacostia station, followed by the L’Enfant Plaza, Suitland, and College Park Stations. Among the top five in the safest stations were the Arlington Cemetery, Clarendon, Eisenhower Avenue, Farragut West, and Virginia Square-GMU.

In June 2011, Metro General Manager Richard Sarles blamed the spike in violence and “quick snap” theft on teens, mainly at the busier stations. He said, “(At) transfer stations like Metro Center and L’Enfant Plaza, which have high ridership, you’ll see a lot of it.” Today, more police deployments patrol the high transit stations. If you go through those stations today — and I do quite frequently — you’ll see a lot more uniformed police out there as well as deployment of plainclothes (officers),” Sarles said. The report is expected for presentation to Metro board members on Thursday.


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