Pierre Garcon brightens the Redskins’ dismal season


Redskins receiver Pierre Garcon is having a record-setting season with an average of seven catches per game and potentially 114 total catches by the end of the season. “I’m just enjoying the moment, trying to get wins,” Garcon said. “No matter whether it’s preseason, regular season or playoffs, I’m always out there trying to make a play. I’m not doing anything different than any other year. After so much hard work, things start to fall into place for you.”

“Pierre’s been phenomenal,” said Redskins safety Reed Doughty. “He took a lot of flak last year because of the injury, but he played excellent when he was able to. This year, he showed everybody who he can be and what he will be going forward. He’s special.”

Garcon added that he is motivated by the fact that many doubted his ability to succeed in the NFL, especially because of certain physical features. “I still have a chip on my shoulder every day. They said I couldn’t play in the NFL. I’m here and I’m helping my team. That gives me satisfaction every day. I can’t take away from the year I’m having, but there’s still a lot more I can do.”


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