Fear of a 2000 election repeat


With this year’s presidential race seemingly neck and neck right down to the wire, many are asking the question if we are headed for a rerun of the drama that unfolded in the 2000 presidential race between Democrat Al Gore and Republican George Bush. There are some differences between then and now. Various states, including Florida, have taken measures to rectify the ballot counting mishaps that caused so much commotion in 2000. Nevertheless, everyone is prepared for a lot of challenges on Election Day. Certain states, including key battleground states Ohio and Florida, require mandatory recounts if one candidate’s victory is by a small enough margin, which would apply to a presidential election as well. Based on poll readings, officials are braced for the possibility of Obama winning the electoral vote and Romney winning the popular vote. President Obama has suggested his slightly higher standing in the swing states specifically “has to do with the fact that people in swing states have more information…and so they know what I’m proposing a little bit more than others do, and they know what Gov. Romney is proposing, because we’ve spent an awful lot of time in those states.”


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