Pharmaceutical company linked to meningitis outbreak raided


The US government has been investigating the recent outbreak of meningitis in the country that has so far left 16 people dead. It has been traced to a pharmaceutical facility in Massachusetts belonging to the New England Compounding Center. This same facility was recently raided by investigators after the Food and Drug Administration expressed concerns that the facility was not sanitary. Steroids and heart drugs produced by the NECC are also under investigation. The FDA has issued a warning to doctors not to perscribe any drugs produced by the company. Several US congressmen have even called for a full blown criminal investigation of the NECC. The outbreak has raised concerns around the fact that drug compounding is not regulated by the FDA.  The FDA typically oversees drug makers, but not the practice of compounding specifically. Currently the NECC has suspended its operations and recalled all the injections it produced that have been linked to the outbreak.


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