PETA criticizes Beyonce’s Super Bowl outfit


The organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) had some harsh words for the costume, a black leather ensemble constructed with strips of iguana, python and cowhide, Beyonce wore during her Super Bowl halftime performance.

“We would take a bet that if Beyoncé watched our video exposés … she’d probably not want to be seen again in anything made of snakes, lizards, rabbits or other animals who died painfully,” PETA said in a statement. “Today’s fashions are trending toward humane vegan options, and Beyoncé’s Super Bowl outfit missed the mark on that score.”

However, the organization also said the pop star is not beyond atonement.

“Everyone — including Beyonce — can make the decision today to stop wearing fur, leather, and exotic skins and instead choose the cruelty-free and ‘green’ fashion favored by compassionate, chic celebrities such as Natalie Portman and Anne Hathaway and designers such as award-winning fashion queen Stella McCartney,” says PETA Media Officer Wendy Wegner.


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