Wal-Mart promises promotions for thousands of employees


On Tuesday, Wal-Mart announced its plan to promote a large group of its employees. Out of the company’s 1.3 million workers, 25,000 of them will be promoted by the end of Janurary. The company says that hourly and management positions will see promotions, and higher pay will be a benefit of taking on a new position.

Wal-Mart has consistently been criticized for its employee practices, and most recently, a Democratic lawmaker called the company’s executives “welfare kings,” and drew attention to the average hourly wage of their employees, which is $12.83.

However, Wal-Mart says that its wages are fair, and that it provided employees with the opportunity to grow in their career. “Like most Americans, our associates want good jobs and access to a better life,” CEO Bill Simon said.


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