Protests in Ukraine turn violent when police move in


Protestors in Ukraine are continuing their push for a stronger tie to Europe, and reflecting their anger at President Viktor Yanukovych with chaotic riots. Yanukovych has had a consistent alliance with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which puts a wrench in any further cooperation with the West.

Protestors in the Ukrainian Capital of Kiev were met with police forces on Wednesday, who were armed with chainsaws to destruct any barricades. Several injuries were reported and the Interior Ministry says that 10 policemen were hurt in the early morning hours on Wednesday. However, protestors say they will not stop their peaceful demonstrations, which were devoid of any kind of violence until authorities intervened.

Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko assures citizens that the police were ordered only to clear the roads where the protestors were stationed, and nothing more. “I want to reassure everyone — there will be no crackdown of the Maidan,” he said. “Nobody is infringing on citizens’ right to peaceful protests. However, one cannot ignore the rights and lawful interests of other citizens.”

Citizens and other officials across the globe are taking a different perspective on the matter though, and are disturbed by the actions of the Ukrainian government. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stated: “The United States expresses its disgust with the decision of Ukrainian authorities to meet the peaceful protest in Kyiv’s Maidan Square with riot police, bulldozers, and batons, rather than with respect for democratic rights and human dignity.”


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