Romney campaigns in Florida, answers questions about video


Mitt Romney is campaigning in Florida and focusing on the Hispanic population, but he still has to answer questions about his controversial comments made in a private video. “My campaign is about the 100 percent in America,” Romney said to a Hispanic speaking crowd Wednesday night. He told the crowd that the GOP “is the natural home for Hispanic Americans because this is the party of opportunity and hope.” Obama is also campaigning in Florida. Mitt Romney plans to start a three day tour of Ohio in the coming days.

When Romney was asked about the deportation of Hispanics, he replied “I’m not in favor of a deportation – mass deportation – effort, rounding up 12 million people and kicking them out of the country. I believe people make their own choices as to whether they want to go home, and that’s what I mean by self-deportation.” This comes after Obama criticized Romney for not supporting the DREAM act, which would allow children that came here as illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship if they have been in schools or the military.


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