RNC stops CNN and NBC program production on Clinton


The Republican National Committee has moved to stop CNN and NBC from producing programs about Hilary Clinton. The RNC approved a resolution to keep the media companies from the 2016 presidential primary debate process unless they stop their production plans. NBC is creating a miniseries about Clinton while CNN commissioned a documentary film about her, which will be shown in theaters in 2014.

RNC Chairman Reince Preibus said, “For the first time our party rules allow us to take action on these debates. So it is time that we do what’s right for our party and our candidates. And by the way, it is the right thing to do for our voters.” CNN also released a statement, which said, “The project is in the very early stages of development, months from completion with most of the reporting and the interviewing still to be done. Therefore speculation about the final program is just that. We encouraged all interested parties to wait until the program premieres before judgments are made about it. Unfortunately, the RNC was not willing to do that”


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