Loudoun County Gets a Visit from the First Lady


Michelle Obama spoke in support of her husband’s reelection campaign to a crowd of over 800 people in Loudoun County on Tuesday. She reenforced the idea that despite inheriting crippling national debt and entering the White House during a time of economic despair, Barack Obama’s policies have helped to turn the tides toward recovery. The First Lady also took an indirect jab at Mitt Romney for his suggestion during the first presidential debate last week that funding to PBS be cut in an effort to reduce spending. The President, she said, should be praised for actively working to reach compromise and move the country out of a recession instead of blaming others or cutting vital programs.

In 2008 Virginia voted democratically in a presidential election for the first time since 1964. As a result, the increasingly important swing state with 13 electoral votes, is an important campaign stop for both parties. Loudoun County has already hosted Ann Romney and Barack Obama this year.


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