Perry falters in GOP debate, Cain fends off allegations


Eight Republican candidates faced off in Michigan Wednesday night. Attention was given to Herman Cain, who has come under public scrutiny recently for his alleged involvement in several sexual harassment claims. Cain continued to face those questions in the debate, responding “The American people deserve better than someone being tried in the court of public opinion. I value my character and my integrity more than anything else. Later in the debate, Cain referred to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi as “Princess Nancy,” which he apologized for following the debate.

Topics of the evening included the European debt crisis, the bailout of the auto industry, the Wall Street bailout and the tax code. One of the biggest missteps of the evening came when Texas Gov. Rick Perry was asked which three federal agencies he would eliminate. After identifying Commerce and Education in his promise to repeal job-crushing regulations, Perry could not remember a third. Later, in the spin room, Perry explained that he had been searching for the Department of Energy.


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