Russian diplomats and spouses accused of filing fraudulent Medicaid claims


A group of 49 Russian diplomats and their spouses have been charged in the Medicaid fraud scheme that cost the U.S. government over $1.5 million. The fraudulent filings involved prenatal and childbirth expenses and the defendants were able to verify false income numbers with the help of Russian U.N. Mission officials.

“A multitude of Russian diplomats and their spouses ran a scam on the health care system designed to help Americans in need,” Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York said.

Assistant director of the New York FBI office, George Venizelos, commented that the diplomats used their power in the wrong way. “Being a diplomat does not give you the right to commit health care fraud. Some Russian officials based in New York allowed their employees to defraud the American taxpayer and take advantage of a health care program not designed for them,” he added. “Each diplomat listed in the complaint submitted an employer verification form from the Russian government misstating their income in an effort to qualify for benefits.”

“The scam exploited the weakness in the Medicaid system and the charges exposed shameful and systemic corruption among the Russian diplomats in New York,” Bharara said.


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