WORLD NEWS – ICC prosecutor applies for arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders


Mariah Cain, Staff Writer

International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan announced that he is filing applications for warrants of arrest of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Head of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas’, Yahya Sinwar. Khan also issued arrest warrants for other senior leaders of Israel and Hamas. In a statement, Khan said, “Today we once again underline that international law and the laws of armed conflict apply to all. No foot soldier, no commander, no civilian leader – no one – can act with impunity.” He continued, “Nothing can justify wilfully depriving human beings, including so many women and children, the basic necessities required for life. Nothing can justify the taking of hostages or the targeting of civilians.”

Three judges will decide whether or not to allow the case to proceed and issue arrest warrants. President Joe Biden reacted to the ICC’s warrant application, “The ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous. And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas.  We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.”


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