Jeb Bush highlights division within Republicans on immigration


Seeming to contradict his earlier position on the issue, Jeb Bush says in his new book “Immigration Wars” that he opposes providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants while condoning a path for permanent residency. As recently as the 2012 presidential campaign, Bush called his party “tone deaf” on the issue of illegal immigration and what to do about it, alienating Hispanic voters as a result. In his new book however, he makes the argument that “those who violated the laws can remain but cannot obtain the cherished fruits of citizenship.”

“Our proposal is a proposal that looks forward. And if we want to create an immigration policy that’s going to work, we can’t continue to make illegal immigration an easier path than legal immigration,” Bush told host Matt Lauer on the Today Show. “I think it’s important that there is a natural friction between our immigrant heritage and the rule of law.”

His words were met with disdain from many of his Democratic counterparts.

“Poor Jeb Bush. So far from God and so close to the Tea Party,” said Representative Xavier Becerra. “This is why things are the way they are, because Republicans let themselves be bullied by the most extreme members of their party.”

He also took some heat from his fellow Republicans for his comments. Senator Lindsey Graham said Bush’s stance “undercuts what we’re trying to do.” Senator Jeff Flake said he was “a bit perplexed” and “disappointed” to learn of Bush’s approach. Flake himself has said he opposes “blanket amnesty” but, along with other Republicans, is working with Democrats to trade providing an option for obtaining citizenship to illegal immigrants for provisions such as increased border security.


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