Congress members advocate changes to the mental health system


In a press conference on Capitol Hill, Congressman Tim Murphy, R-PA made a push for changes to the mental health system, and proposed new legislation. Murphy spent 30 years as a psychologist before making the move into politics, and he says that not enough has been done to help people with mental illness, or families and friends.

“The past few decades, this nation has moved forward in knowledge of what it takes to help, but has moved backwards in getting that help done,” he said. “And where there is no help, there is no hope.”

The bill that Murphy introduced calls for better communication between doctors and patients’ families through improved federal privacy rules, and also attempts to expand services for patients ages 22 to 64 who are covered by Medicaid. Other features of the bill include support for the practice of tele-psychiatry, and the creation of a position in the Health and Human Services Department that would be titled assistant secretary for mental health and substance use disorders.


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