Biden plans a “Fireside Hangout” on Google+ to discuss gun control


In an obvious allusion to Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt’s famous radio “Fireside Chats,” which many considered revolutionary for the time, Vice President Joe Biden has invited the public to engage in a “Fireside Hangout” on Google+ on Thursday at 1:45 pm EST. He will be joined by Kimberly Blaine, producer of the Web series www.TheGoToMom.TV, Guy Kawasaki, a Silicon Valley venture capitalist and Phil DeFranco, a popular YouTube blogger. Together they will have a conversation and take questions from the public about the Obama administration’s plan for gun control and regulation. The discussion is scheduled to last about 30 minutes.
Google+ users can suggest questions by following the participants on Google+. “PBS NewsHour’s” Hari Sreenivasan will be moderating the event. Google has said this will be only the first in a series of “hangouts” held by senior Obama administration officials.

Biden is also preparing the launch of a White House campaign of road trips to promote gun control which is scheduled to begin in Richmond, Virginia. Virginia lawmakers have been debating a bill that would require private sellers to conduct criminal background checks on buyers at gun shows, as opposed to the current law which only requires dealers to conduct background checks.


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