Bachmann ends presidential bid, Perry will ‘reset’ campaign


After her sixth-place finish in Iowa, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann made the decision to end her bid for the Republican presidential nomination. She suspended her campaign, a loophole that allows her to continue raising campaign funds. She said she “will continue fighting to defeat the president’s agenda of socialism.” Bachmann was known as a leading tea party conservative in the House of Representatives and to many of her supporters.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, in spite of his fifth-place finish, decided to continue. He will bypass New Hampshire, the next caucus state, in favor of rebooting his campaign in South Carolina. “I get that we are the underdog and we are certainly not the establishment candidate, but South Carolina ain’t going to let Iowa pick its nominee,” Perry spokesman Katon Dawson said. Plans for a statewide bus tour were scrapped in favor of aggressive television promoting.


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