New Jersey bill seeks to make driving slow in the left lane a crime


In the Garden State, Senator Donald Norcross wants to limit slow drivers to the right lane. The New Jersey bill would double the minimum fine for slow drivers from $50 to $100, and the maximum fine would rise from $200 to $300. Norcross says such drivers create “an unsafe traffic situation” on the road. The senator is reportedly hoping the new legislation will reduce road rage. New Jersey’s “keep right” law is one of the toughest in the nation.

In the District, drivers traveling “at less than the normal speed of traffic” must remain on the right lane or face a $50 fine. Virginia’s rule is nearly the same as the Districts, but the fine is $30. Maryland’s Transportation Code says “any vehicle going 10 mph or more below the applicable maximum speed limit” or “at less than the normal speed of traffic” must drive in the right-hand lane or face a fine of $90.


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