Nationwide ‘Occupy’ event planned


Cities around the country were poised Thursday for what could be the biggest Occupy demonstrations yet. On the two-month anniversary, organizers called for a “mass day of action,” with planned events such as “shut down Wall Street,” “occupy the subways” and “take the square” in New York City alone. A heavy police presence in cities was in place to prepare for eventualities, but the website called for “mass non-violent direct action.”

“Enough of this economy that exploits and divides us. It’s time we put an end to Wall Street’s reign of terror and begin building an economy that works for all,” the website said, adding, “before the Stock Exchange, we will exchange stories rather than stocks.” Around the country, “occupy colleges” is planned for students to protest rising tuition costs and “diminishing quality.” Events in other cities include “occupy banks” and shutting down of intersections.


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