MARYLAND NEWS – To combat theft CVS in Silver Spring locks up cold beverages


Zoe Mckey, Staff Writer

At the downtown Silver Spring, Maryland CVS, obtaining a cold drink has become a challenge due to new theft prevention measures. Refrigerated beverages such as soda, juice, and bottled water are now kept under lock and key, requiring customers to get assistance from employees to access them. This change reflects a broader trend in the D.C. area, where CVS stores have increasingly secured various products to combat retail theft. Regular shopper Vilis commented on the inconvenience, noting the need for employees to unlock the coolers and supervise selections, leading to potential delays for customers. He expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of this approach, questioning whether it would significantly reduce theft.

Other customers had mixed reactions to the new policy. Carla Gudger sympathized with CVS’s need to address theft, despite the inconvenience for honest shoppers. She acknowledged that while some individuals steal out of necessity, others simply refuse to pay. Ann Marie, another local resident, also found the situation inconvenient but ultimately supported CVS’s actions, believing it essential for the store’s survival amid increasing shoplifting. This sentiment echoes issues faced by other CVS locations in the D.C. area, such as the Columbia Heights store, which closed due to rampant theft. Overall, the community recognizes the challenge of balancing theft prevention with customer convenience.


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