Texas lawmakers name Phil Collins an honorary Texan


State lawmakers have named legendary English singer-songwriter Phil Collins an honorary Texan for his “magnificent collection of historical artifacts” that he donated to the Alamo. The status of an honorary Texan was made official by resolutions passed in the House and Senate. He did not give a speech, but cordially greeted lawmakers who crowded to shake hands. Over the years, Collins accumulated the largest known private collection of Alamo and Texas Revolution artifacts. Collins announced last year that he would be turning 200-plus pieces of his collection over to the Alamo. The items, including a rifle and leather pouch owned by Davy Crockett rifle and an original Jim Bowie knife, arrived in the fall, after being shipped from his home in Switzerland. According to Collins, his love for the Alamo began as a child watching the Walt Disney television show “Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier,” in the 1950s.



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