Mariah Cain, Staff Writer
Fairfax County Public Schools has updated its grading policy to allow teachers to give students a zero for assignments that are not turned in. Prior to this change, students would receive 50% on missing assignments without ever attempting the work. The country said that late work for major assignments will continue to be accepted for up to two weeks after the due date for a maximum of a 10% deduction and students will receive a minimum of 50% of their grade if it’s clear that a strong attempt was made.
The policy change was brought upon by students who noted that it was not fair for students who may have struggled with an assignment but turned it in on time possibly receiving the same grade as a student who never turned the assignment in at all. David Walrod, president of the Fairfax County Federation of Teachers, shared how under the previous policy, students were able to use the grading system to their advantage and not turn in assignments. With the new policy, students will receive the proper credit for the work that they do, and so far there hasn’t been any pushback against this change.