Death threats over Gamergate force speaker to cancel Utah lecture


October 16, 2014
Mariah Timms
News Writer

Much of social and mainstream media is discussing Gamergate (sometimes styled #Gamergate), a pithy catchphrase for the ideological battles currently taking place in the online and video gaming community. The conversation has been pushed to the fore when well-known video blogger Anita Sarkeesian, of Feminist Frequency, was forced to cancel a talk that would have been held at Utah State University Wednesday. The university received a detailed threat targeting the lecturer and attendees. Because of Utah’s concealed carry laws, police would be unable to use metal detectors or pat downs, and Sarkeesian did not feel the proposed security measures were adequate. The FBI is investigating the threat, which purportedly came from a USU student. The Gamergate argument covers a range of topics and opinions, but is pitted mostly between a large and pervasive group of “boys-club” male gamers who resent the critical discussion of sexism and violence in mainstream games. This counter-view comes from feminist bloggers like Sarkeesian and other female game makers, many of whom deal with near-constant death and rape threats for their words.


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