Military officials tell Congress that budget cuts will weaken security


On Wednesday, heads of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines made their case to the House Armed Services Committee. They emphasized that if the proposed budget cuts went into effect as planned, they may not be able to meet responsibilities that are crucial to security. The military officials said that the Obama administration’s strategic defense guidance for the military extends through 2020, but with budget cuts, the forces would not have the means or resources to complete the goals.

“These reductions will put at substantial risk our ability to conduct even one sustained major combat operation,” Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said. Odierno also added that the sequestration would mean an 18% cut in total armed forces over the next seven years. “There are some who have suggested there will be no land wars in the future. While I wish that were true, unfortunately there is little to convince me that we will not ask our soldiers to deploy again in the future.”

Congress is also currently dealing with certain decisions on a new spending plan, and whether it should contain the sequestration cuts from 2011. Democrats and Republicans can’t seem to agree on the new plan, and a government shut down has been mentioned in the event that a decision can’t be made very soon.



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