Cain makes Libya gaffe


In a recent interview with the editorial board of the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, Republican candidate Herman Cain took a long moment to clarify his position on Libya. When asked his stance, Cain took an eight-second pause to collect his thoughts, before asking, “President Obama supported the uprising, correct?” He then began to respond that he disagreed, before immediately backtracking.

After hearing the question rephrased, Cain finally settled on a response. “It’s not a simple yes/no because there are different pieces and I would’ve gone about assessing the situation differently, which might have caused us to end up at the same place, but I think more could’ve been done was, what’s the nature of the opposition?” Cain claimed he was not trying to hedge on the questions, citing his nature as a businessman to know all the facts before making a decision. In a recent CNN/ORC poll, Cain’s popularity fell 11 points, putting him in third behind Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.


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