2 new viruses could cause global outbreak


Two viruses have caught the attention of global health officials, a novel coronavirus in the Middle East and a new bird flu virus spreading in China. The coronavirus is related to SARS, and spread to France last week. Health officials believe the man infected obtained the virus from Dubai and gave it to his hospital roommate. Officials are now trying to track down all those who have gone to Dubai in the past year.

Since its discovery, the coronavirus has infected 34 people, killing 18 of them. Nearly every person infected had some connection to the Middle East. Health officials stated however that there is no reason why the virus should remain limited to the Middle East. They advise that all health officials closely monitor any unusual respiratory cases.

A new bird flu strain, H7N9, has been infecting people in China since March. The strain has caused 32 deaths out of 131 cases.


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