Jon Stewart expresses sadness and anger over SC murders


Jon Stewart opened “The Daily Show” on Thursday with sobering remarks about the nine murders in a historic South Carolina church. Stewart criticized the way the media always concludes that mental illness is to blame for mass shootings without addressing the root of the problem. He makes the point that Americans focus on terrorists in the Middle East as the main threat when there are domestic terrorists who threaten American citizens. Stewart asserts, “If this had been what we thought was Islamic terrorism…it’s ‘we’ve got to do whatever we can — we’ll torture people! — we’ve got to do whatever we can to keep Americans safe.’ Nine people shot in a church, what about that? ‘Hey, what are you gonna do, crazy is as crazy does.’ That’s the part that I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around.” Stewart goes on to critique the Confederate imagery prevalent throughout South Carolina, which he says contributes to the continuing racism in the nation.


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