National Zoo shooter sentencing ongoing


July 25, 2014
Zaina Kahuk
News Writer

Sentencing for the 14-year-old male responsible for a shooting near the National Zoo on Easter will continue Friday, August 29. The juvenile’s attorney Jessica Lewis asked the judge to reduce his detention to a youth house for community based treatment, but the government disagreed with her proposal, stating he will not “rewarded with probation.” Lewis argued saying he needs a strong male mentor and he has been getting that while in detention. She asked if he could be placed in a shelter with electronic monitoring. The juvenile’s mother stood up and spoke to the judge, saying: “[Juvenile] is not a bad child. He just has issues. He’s not a monster. He does what he is supposed to do at home, he makes his curfew. Everyone tries to make him out to be a monster, but he’s not.” The juvenile remains in custody.


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