MARYLAND NEWS – Baltimore’s Legionnaire’s disease bacteria outbreak found in Maryland Attorney General’s office building


Zoe Mckey, Staff Writer

An outbreak of the bacteria responsible for Legionnaires’ disease has been detected in a state office building at St. Paul Plaza in downtown Baltimore. The building, which houses the Maryland Attorney General’s Office and the Maryland Insurance Administration, showed slightly elevated bacteria levels in an out-of-service drinking fountain and two faucets. The building’s management, Bay City Management, is adhering to guidelines from the CDC and NIH to address the issue. The Maryland Department of General Services has recommended teleworking for employees, offering administrative leave for those unable to work remotely, as testing and safety measures are implemented.

Further testing continues as precautionary steps are taken to ensure the safety of all occupants. Previously, the same bacteria was found at federal office locations in Woodlawn, including the Social Security Administration and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Dr. Jonathan Thierman explained that Legionnaires’ disease, a serious illness necessitating hospitalization and IV antibiotics, can be contracted by inhaling air with microscopic water droplets containing the bacteria. Employees at the St. Paul Place building may need to remain at home for the entire week as the situation is monitored and managed.


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