April 19, 2020
Jacob Hollifield
News Writer
Maryland News
Cases: 10,032
Active: 9,076
Deaths: 349
Currently, the most infected state in the DC metro area, Maryland, has totaled 10,032 cases with 349 deaths. The state currently has 9,076 active cases and is 14thin the nation for most cases. Governor Larry Hogan has implemented an executive order that requires residents to wear a face covering of some sort when in public. Hogan also has continued to encourage Marylanders to practice “aggressive social distancing,” as the state experienced over 40 deaths in a span of 48 hours.
Cases: 6,500
Active: 5,584
Deaths: 195
Virginia is 18thin the US for most cases with 6,500 total and 5,584 active. The state has recorded 195 deaths from the virus. Governor Ralph Northam has extended a previously set executive order that closed recreational and entertainment-based business until May 8, including a ban on large gatherings. Northam also announced his allocation of $70 million from the CARES Act to support childcare for members of the essential workforce. The money will be used to assist open centers, prepare schools to act as emergency childcare centers if needed, remove copayments until June for recipients of child-care, and provide money to centers that receive federal funding but have closed.
Cases: 2,197
Deaths: 72
At 32nd on the list of most affected in the U.S., the District has recorded 2,197 cases and 72 deaths. There are currently 1,595 active cases in the District. Mayor Muriel Bowser has also extended the city’s stay-at-home order from April 24 to May 15 as cases increase. In addition to announcing that all nonessential businesses will remain closed, Bowser also informed the city of the state of vulnerable populations, such as those imprisoned, those in domestic violence situations, those in care facilities, and the homeless population. According to Bowser, cells are cleaned once a day in Washington, D.C. prisons and nursing home staff screen patients for symptoms every 4 hours. In reference to homeless shelters, where people come and go frequently, Bowser said, “We are exploring every option to make them safer.”