Washington, DC – Workers in Capitol Hill hold wake for Republican Party


Former and current Republicans who once worked on Capitol Hill gathered at a popular Irish pub for a traditional Irish wake in honor of the political party they said they once knew. “We said we should get together and have a drink and toast the death of party, as we sit here and watch it dying on us,” said Chris Scheve, one of the event organizers. As patrons walked into the bar, they were greeted by a wreath with white flowers and a sign that read “R.I.P. GOP.” The event took place the night that Donald Trump accepted the GOP’s nomination at the Republican National Convention. “More and more Republicans are standing up and saying we will not be part of Donald Trump’s America,” said Andrew Weinstein, another event organizer. “I am willing to vote for a woman who I disagree with on nearly every issue because I fear the threat of electing Donald Trump is so significant.”


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